Newborn Cries When Pooping
An infant can have these gas problems due to the excess intake of air while crying hyperlactation syndrome gastrointestinal infections andor the inability to digest breastmilk. If your baby is dealing with gas in addition to being uncomfortable while pooping here are some things to try. How Long Can A Baby Go Without Pooping Baby Constipation You dont want your babys tummy to hurt and you want to be able to alleviate any discomfort your baby feels. Newborn cries when pooping . It could also be because the babys abdominal muscles are still underdeveloped making it difficult to pass stools 1. I would also advise you to video record your son while pooping. When baby arrives into the world his digestive system is especially busy learning to process nutrients and waste as baby eats and drinks. By Mayo Clinic Staff On any given day a. Your baby turns purple or red when having a bowel movement. Whats more that system is still developing so its no wonder some tummy troubles tend t...